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Thrive Series: Team Toolkit: The Power and Practice of Mattering at Work

Team relationships

"The best gift you can give anyone is showing them the evidence of their significance."

Zach Mercurio

Research shows that feeling like you matter at work is a fundamental human need. It is critical for motivation, fulfillment and well-being. Join Robert Armstrong as he talks with Zach about The Power and Practice of Mattering at Work.



Rethinking Leadership GC, Episode 5: The Power and Practice of Mattering at Work (TRN4-P13)

In this episode we welcome back to the Canada School of Public Service, Zach Mercurio, Ph.D., Researcher in purposeful leadership and positive organizational development, sought-after keynote speaker, and author of The Invisible Leader.


How to use

How to use

  1. Send team members the link to the podcast
  2. Assign a completion date
  3. Set up a meeting to discuss the key concepts and lessons learned from the podcast
  4. Determine which practices the team will commit too and implement
  5. Reflection - How has your team benefited from this learning?

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